M.M. Music Education

Fall 2018

Degree: Master of Music
Major: Music
Concentration: Education

Required Courses for Major

MUED 5320 - Music Reference, Research and Writing
MUED 5330 - Basic concepts in Music Education

18 Hours From:

MUED 5310 - Computer Applications in Music
MUED 5340 - Supervision of Music
MUED 5370 - Advanced Instrumental Conducting
MUED 5390 - Advanced Vocal Methods
MUSI 5300 as needed or offered

6 Hours From:

MULT 5360 - Survey of the Baroque Era
MULT 5370 - Classic Era
MULT 5380 - Romantic Era
MULT 5390 - 20th Century Music
MULT 5310 as needed or offered

6 Hours From:

MUTY 5350 - Twentieth Century Harmony
MUTY 5360 - Pedagogy of Theory
MUTY 5370 - Analytical Techniques
MUSI 5320 as needed or offered

Elective Courses

Students may choose to write a thesis. Students enroll in MUSI 5390 and MUSI 5391 in lieu of six (6) hours of Music Education courses.

Students may choose to take up to six (6) hours of applied music in lieu of six (6) hours of Music Education courses.


Must pass a capstone oral examination.
