
October 17, 2023

Tuesday, 10/17/2023
Reaud 202
Submitted By:
Sujing Wang

Starting Time: Members began joining the meeting at 10:40 AM.

Attending: Samuel Jator, Brett Welch, Patrick Stewart, Sujing Wang, Donna Fong, Dale Fontenot, Tony DeMars, Thinesh Selvaratnam, Gleb Tcheslavsui, Jennifer Thompson, Poornima Gunasekaran, Elizabeth Sanders, Eunjin Kwon, Don Warren, Purnendu Mandal, Chun-wei Yao, Jing Zhang

Invited speakers:  Jose Rutledge, Steven Veron from IT

Call to Order:  11:00 AM

  1. Welcome new members and members' self-introduction.  
  2. Review and approval of April 2023 meeting minutes.

        Motion to approve the minutes was made by Dale Fontenot, second by Daryl Ann Borel, motion passed.

  1. PC refresh and IT update
  • Reported by: Patrick Stewart, Jose Rutledge, and Steven Veron from IT.
  • Contact each department, check the current inventory list, replace tag between 2005 to 2015.
  • Focus on classroom, faculty office, and teaching lab.
  • Faculty may choose either Apple Mac or Dell for PC refresh.
  • New PC policy: one device (laptop or desktop) per person. Faculty may request to have more than one device with proper justification.

    4. Committee Website update

        New committee members are added.

        Approved meeting minutes have been uploaded.

  1. Next Committee Meeting Date and Time: TBD by email discussion


  1. New Business



Motion to adjourn the meeting by Gleb Tcheslavsui, second by Elizabeth Sanders. The motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 12:05 PM.