
June 2, 2020

Tuesday, 06/02/2020
Via Teams
Submitted By:
C Cox

Graduate Council
Summer 2020

 Approval of Minutes

 Old Business

 New Business

 College of Engineering

 Course Changes: change reporting level of CVEN 5325, CVEN 5334, and CVEN 5366 from 5 to 6 in order for doctoral students to take the course without a separate listing

Course Additions: CVEN 5335 Sustainability: Engineering with Nature and INEN 5331 Technology Entrepreneurship

Other: Civil/Environmental Engineering – allow for up to 6 hours of undergrad coursework to count towards a graduate degree


College of Fine Arts & Communication

Other: alter the hours requirement for the online Master of Music degree from 36 to 30 hours.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, discussion of these items was held via Microsoft Teams. All items were approved.