
October 26, 2020

Monday, 10/26/2020
Meeting via Microsoft Teams
Submitted By:
B Kemp

IACUC Agenda
October 26, 2020
2:00 Meeting via Microsoft Teams


Attendees: Jerry Lin, Emily, Matt Pyne, Gary Rash

Missing committee members: Howard Yoder, Stacie Granger


I. Call to Order: Emily Born at 2:00pm


II. Approval of Minutes: No past minutes for approval.  We met via email to do an online review for Dr. Yoder’s classroom Frog and Turtle activities and voted to approve earlier this spring.


III. Updates from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Administration (ORSPA):

Dr. Jerry Lin - Associate Provost for Research: I worked with Dr. Nordgren’s office and faculty senate to revise the charges to the certain committees under our office due to the nature of the committees. The focus of the committee is on expertise rather than a representative from each college on campus. It was determined  IACUC is one of those committees.

Emily Born, Compliance Officer (IRB Analyst): We are filling in our committee slots and Dr. Howard Yoder has agreed to join this committee. He does have some animal projects, so I feel he has a good grasp of how this committee works. We are still working on getting a veterinarian on the committee as required. If anyone has a recommendation to fill the spot. The veterinarian could also serve as the community member as well.

Gary Rash: Does Dr. Yoder have any studies currently using animals?

Emily Born: Yes, he is doing research with fish and turtles. We voted via email and approved earlier this spring.

Gary Rash: Yes, I remember this.

Matt Pyne: We have a new person in biology who will be doing research with fish and I will be reaching out to her about this and speaking with all of you as well once I have more information.  


IV. Board Member Positions:

Discuss number of board members/Introduce New Member:

Emily Born: Dr. Howard Yoder from Biology has joined our committee.

We are still searching for a veterinarian which is a requirement for this committee. Does anyone have a recommendation?


V. LU IACUC Policies and Procedures on the Humane Use of Animals in Teaching and Research

Updated Policies:

Emily Born: I have looked over the policies to see if there anything else we need to add before we move forward with incorporating them.

Jerry Lin: If we can review the polices and then come back in Spring 2021 and vote, we can implement them in 2022.


VI. CITI Certification for Board Members

Emily Born: Reminder, if not completed previously, Board Members need to complete the “Essentials for IACUC Members” CITI Course. Membership on this committee requires the completion of CITI courses.


VII. Other Business Items: None


VIII. Next meeting: April, 2021 unless we have protocol which requires voting. We will meet a minimum of every 6 months. 


Jerry Lin: If there is no other business is there a motion to adjourn at 2:20pm
Motion made by Matt Pyne to adjourn.
Motion seconded by Gary Rash.
Motion passed.