
March 20, 2023

Monday, 03/20/2023
Science and Technology Building room 275
Submitted By:
R Lee


IRB Agenda 

March 20th, 2023   11:00am

Science and Technology Building Room# 275 

I. Call to Order: Dr. Jerry Lin at 11:02am


II. Approval of September 2022 Minutes
  1. Motion to approve by Dr. Jeremy Shelton at 11:25am
  2. Seconded by Dr. Clayton Jeffryes at 11:25am

III. Updates from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Administration (ORSPA):

a. Jerry Lin - Associate Provost for Research

    1. No items

b. Ryan Lee – Research Compliance Specialist

2. No items


IV. List of Approved Expedited Studies

a. 89 Exempt Studies approved in FY23

b. 6 Expedited Studies approved in FY23


V. CITI Certification reminder, specifically for faculty members sponsoring students’ research


VI. CITI Certification for Board Members

Reminder: Board Members need to complete the CITI IRB Members Course to satisfy the requirements for the SBE and BioMed courses.


VII. Full Board Review of IRB Application-

a. IRB-FY23-155 – Heightened Self-Awareness: Help or Only a Hindrance in Overcoming Fear? – Ashton McDonald, sponsored by Dr. Jeremy Shelton

i. Concerns expressed over research credit being awarded to students if subjects do not enter the room.
1.Informed Consent will be amended to clarify that research credit will be awarded to any participants, regardless of level of participation.

ii. What if the snake is harmed during the study?

1. Area around the enclosure will be safe in the case of dropping the snake and the students can decline to physically handle the snake.

iii. Study protocol is approved pending corrections stipulated above and review by ORSPA compliance officer.


VIII. Update from the Chair

a. Any full-board submissions should be finalized prior to the end of the spring semester for the benefit of both the board and researchers.

b. Scheduled meeting on July 11th, 2023 will take place only if necessary.


IX. Other Business Items

a. Jerry Lin stated that lunch will be provided should there be another full-board meeting this spring.

b. ORSPA met with Baptist Hospitals in February 2023 to discuss possible partnerships in clinical trials and other research.

i. Future meeting with executive board is already scheduled.

ii. Human subjects studies requiring patients can be done with their IRB.

iii. Two partnerships identified:

  1. Mental health studies
  2. Dr. Ruthie Robinson volunteered nurse practitioners to collaborate.


X. Motion to adjourn by Dr. Alan Moore and seconded by Dr. Clayton Jeffryes at 11:33am.

Next meeting July 11, 2023, at 2pm (if necessary).