
September 16, 2019

Monday, 09/16/2019
Reaud 202
Submitted By:
Ashwini Kucknoor

Attending: Michael Saar, Library Services;; James Armacost, Barbara Hernandez, Education and Human Development;  Biology; Ashwini Kucknoor, Biology;   Zanthia Smith, DSDE; Larry Osborne, College of Arts & Sciences; Tracy Benson, Engineering;  Edward Doan, SGA representative; Serdar Ilban, Fine Arts and Communication; Katie Mccall (for Edward Doan), Reda Amer, Arts & Sciences

Via Proxy: Judy Smith, Arts & Sciences;  Ana Christensen, Arts & Sciences; Mamta Singh, Education and Human Development,  Health and Kinesiology; Millicent Musyoka, Fine Arts and Communications; Qin Qian, Engineering; Edward Doan, SGA rep

Absent: Alberto Marquez, Engineering; Ken Aung, Engineering; Garrick Harden, Faculty Senate Representative; Mamta Singh, Education and Human Development; Qin Qian, Engineering; John McCollough, Business; Serdar Ilban, Fine Arts and Communication; Alberto Marquez, Engineering; Paul Hemenway, Faculty Senate Rep


Ex-Officio: Joe Nordgren, Acting Associate Provost; Liv Haselbech, Engineering; David Short, Registrar; Craig Escamilla, Acting Exec Dir Student Achievement & Retention;; Theresa Hefner-Babb, Exec. Dir. OPA;

Ex-Officio Absent: Kayla Holloway, Interim Director, UAC, Timothy Roden, Arts & Science CC Chair; Toni Mulvaney, Business CC Chair;Belinda Lopez, Edu and Human Health CC Chair, Kurt Dyrhaug, Fine Arts & Communication CC Chair


Executive Associate Academic Affairs: Aida Lasher-Absent


Guests: Reda Amera, Arts & Sciences, Geology; Adrienne Starnes, Arts &Sciences, English and Modern Languages


Presiding: Michael Saar


Call to Order: 3:35 pm


First order of business- Michael Saar asked for nominations/volunteers for the position of Secretary for the current year. As none were forthcoming, Saar asked around a few people, and since they declined, Ashwini Kucknoor volunteered and was unanimously approved as the Secretary. Saar then asked for nominations/volunteers for the position of President-elect for next year. There were no nominations or volunteers, and Saar decided to move on with the day’s business.


Approval of Minutes: 8-19-19

  • Ilban motioned to approve the minutes as written: Hernandez seconded the motion. Minutes approved unanimously.




  1. GIS Certificate.
  • Reda Amer explained the program.
  • It will be for students from all departments/all schools
  • Saar suggested that we hold off voting today on the certificate
  • 3315 already exists as a course (Hydrology)
  • No course submissions for some courses in the proposal
  • There was a suggestion to include a note regarding which particular courses could be taken for independent study
  • David Short questioned about the status of the Computer sciences courses - they were approved over the summer
  • Heffner-Babb mentioned that SACS approval should be done for it to be offered in Fall
  • Was decided to be returned to the department
  1. GEOL 3311 Course addition
  • Reda Amer provided some explanation
  • Proposal missing signatures
  • Was decided to return to department


  1. GEOL 3312 Course Addition
  • This is the second required course, need to take fundamentals course first
  • Required for statistical analyses
  • Saar fixed few errors in the grading policy

 Jim Armacost motioned to accept the course additions with changes. Hernandez seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.


  1. GEOL 3315 Course Addition, GEOL 4313 Course Addition and GEOL 4316 Course Addition
  2. Reda Amer explained
  • This was a course open to students in any area like Criminal justice or Health Sciences etc.
  • Helps with data analyses on GIS,
  • Minor changes- min prereq- grade of “D”, # of repeats “0”
  • Saar made some minor changes on the cover page
  • Suggested some verbiage change for clarity (group of no more than 3 for grad students, separate evaluation for grad students, is it an independent study or a group activity etc.)
  • Change to “students may work” in the course description
  • Armacost questioned about pre-requisites

Tracy Benson motioned to accept with minor changes, Katie McCall seconded the motion, and all members voted in favor of the motion.


  1. ENGL 4342 Course Addition
  2. Adriene Starnes provided an explanation
  • It was a former special topics course
  • Suggested to add “Special Literature courses” onto cover page
  • Only for English majors

Katie McCall motioned to accept the course addition. Hernandez seconded the motion. All were in favor of the motion.

  1. CPSC 4240 Course Change
  • Removal of math pre-requisite, changing within the computer science courses 2336
  • Tracy Benson asked if it was just a course change

Hernandez motioned to accept the course change. Katie McCall seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.


Reminders: Saar announced that the next meeting is on Oct 21st. Saar also reminded to let people know that the committee needs to receive proposals at least two weeks before the date of the next meeting. He also added that the instruction to access files on shared drive was provided via email to new members.


Adjourn: Motion to Adjourn at 4.15 pm by Hernandez; Seconded by Katie McCall and was unanimously approved.


Respectfully submitted:

Ashwini Kucknoor, Biology