
August 30, 2021

Monday, 08/30/2021
Reaud 310 and Microsoft Teams
Submitted By:
Aida Tucker


University Undergraduate Curriculum Council Meeting  

Date:  Aug. 30, 2021 Time:  3:30 p.m.  

UUCC Minutes 08-30-2021 

Wayne A. Reaud Building Room 310 and Microsoft Teams   

Attending: Garrick Harden (Arts & Sciences), O’Brien Stanley (Fine Arts & Communication), Stefan Andrei (CID), Melissa Riley (Faculty Senate), Randall Yoder (Arts & Sciences), Ricardo Tovar-Silos (Busines), Alberto Marquez (Engineering), Qin Qian (Engineering), Cindy Cummings (Education & Human Development), Donna Azodi (Education & Human Development), Tiffany Tran (SGA), James Armacost (Arts & Sciences), Tim Dueppen (Fine Arts & Communication), Ashwini Kucknoor (Arts & Sciences), Tracy Benson (Engineering)  

Via Proxy: Jimmy Bryan (Arts & Sciences) 

Absent: , Penny Clark (Library), Sara Pace Hillin (Arts & Sciences), Serdar Ilban (Fine Arts & Communication), LeAnn Chisholm (Arts & Sciences), Jamie Azios (Fine Arts & Communication), Connie Ruiz (Education & Human Development) 

Ex-Officio: Dann Brown (Associate Provost), Kayla Holloway (Director UAC), David Short (Registrar), James Nelson (Chair, A & S) 

Ex-Officio Absent: Theresa Hefner-Babb (SACSCOC Liaison), Kurt Dyrhaug (Chair, FA & Comm), Liv Haselbach (Chair, Engineering), Belinda Lopez (Chair, E & HD), Toni Mulvaney (Chair, BUS) 

Executive Associate Academic Affairs: Aida Tucker 

Guests: None  

Presiding: Garrick Harden  

Call to Order: 3:34 pm  

Garrick Harden opened the meeting. There was a question of finding a replacement for LeAnn Chisholm. Will wait for her to decide.  

  • COSC 2325 -  This course will be discussed first due to faculty member having to leave to teach. Contact Hours are correct. COSC 2325 aligns with TX Common Course Numbering System. Is COSC 2372 a required course for degree plan? Yes.  

Will we see a degree plan change? Registrar’s Office will accept a memo showing course add 

Motion to approve course addition was proposed by Cindy Cummings, seconded by Donna Azodi. All voted in favor of the motion, and the motion passed.  

Approval of Minutes: Take out Randall Terry from attendance and replace with Randy Yoder. Minutes approved pending change.  

  • Communication & Media Degree Plan Change - Approve pending changes Comm & Media or Degree plan 5 emphasis originally condense to 3 emphasis clamped film, broadcasting journalism a media production comm studies Mak… Advertising & public relations a matter of reorganization Nothing has been taken away. 

Motion to approve degree plan change pending the four Communication courses was proposed by O’Brien Stanley, seconded by Donna Azodi. All voted in favor of motion, and the motion passed. 

  • COMM 3367 – Was once one hour but with all the work, has been changed to a three hour course. Course for University Press. 

Motion to approve course addition was proposed by Ashwini Kucknoor, seconded by Connie Ruiz. All voted in favor of motion, and the motion passed. 

  • COMM 4305 – This is a capstone similar to an independent study/senior level study. "their" student's area of specialization amendment. Change course description. student arranges " oversees the student's area of specialization”. 

Motion to approve course addition was proposed by Cindy Cummings, seconded by Randy Yoder. All voted in favor of the motion, and the motion passed. 

  • COMM 4366 – Keeping up to date with modern times. There are no pre-reqs. Can it stay blank or should it say "none"? David said he will assume blank means N/A. Don't want a blank to mean a kick back to department. 

Motion to approve course addition proposed by O’Brien Stanley, seconded by Cindy Cummings. All voted in favor of motion, and the motion passed.  

  • COMM 4368 – Also need this course for modern times. Strategic a communication & media with entrepreneurship. Ex. podcast 

Motion to approve course addition proposed by Cindy Cummings, seconded by Connie Ruiz. All voted in favor of motion, and the motion passed.  

  • BIOL 4302 – College approved class with edits. Is the ISBN missing? Changing pre regs -officially adding them but it's always been understood for this pre-req. Online free textbook so does it need ISBN? No, it is understanding if only printed. 

Motion to approve this course addition proposed by Ashwini Kucknoor, seconded by O’Brien Stanley. All voted in favor of motion, and the motion passed.  

  • BIOL 4409 – Changing pre-reqs so that the understood pre-reqs are officially documented.  

Motion to approve this course addition proposed by Randy Yoder, seconded by Donna Azodi. All voted in favor of motion, and the motion passed.  

  • Old Business - Secretary & Chair-Elect – If Garrick is re-elected to committee after Summer 22 he plans to run again as President. Questions and comments: 
  • J.P. Nelson – Is Garrick rolling off this coming summer? Yes. 
  • Donna Azodi – Ist rotation to position? Yes. 
  • Connie Ruiz – Volunteer as Secretary 

Not having a Chair-Elect is problematic. Explore this position for Sept. meeting   

Closing Remarks: Thank you Dr. Ruiz for volunteering as Secretary. We have completed all Board of Regents items for November. Now, we are working on February Board of Regents items.  

Next Meeting – October 18 

Adjourn: Motion to Adjourn at 4:11 p.m. by Cindy Cummings; O’Brien Stanley seconded, and the meeting was adjourned.  

Respectfully submitted: Aida Tucker, Associate Provost’s office