
University Institutional Effectiveness Committee

Meeting Minutes

Year 2024

Charge: The University Institutional Effectiveness Committee shall report to the provost and president on expected outcomes, assessment, and evidence of improvement in all divisions and areas of university operation. Members are appointed by the president and include faculty assessment representatives from each college, the Deans’ Council, the Faculty Senate, the Staff Council, and office of planning and assessment. In addition, each administrative unit evaluated shall have a representative. The chair is also appointed by the President.

Membership & Reporting: Members are appointed from each college, Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, & representative administrative units. Chair is appointed by the President; charge to Committee given by President; recommendations from Committee presented to President.

Committee Members

Robert Spina (Academic Council), Chair Appointed
Audra Bendy (Administrative Units Representative) Appointed
Tom Conley (Staff, IT) Appointed
Kim Ellis (FAC Assessment Representative) Appointed
Sharlene Hatch (IT Training) Appointed
Theresa Hefner-Babb (Exec. Director, Planning and Assessment) Appointed
Wilma Jackson (Diversity & Inclusion Representative) Appointed
Dimples Jones (Treasurer, Staff Council) Appointed
Jamie Larson (Administrative Units Representative) Appointed
Alberto Marquez (Engineering Assessment Representative) Appointed
TBD (Administrative Units Representative) Appointed
Diane Mason (Education Assessment Representative) Appointed
TBD (Student Engagement) Appointed
Toni Mulvaney (Business Assessment Representative) Appointed
Tim Roden (A&S Assessment Representative) Appointed
Jarrod Rossi (Asst. Director, Assessment) Appointed
Michael Saar (Library Assessment Representative) Appointed
Todd Shaver (Director, Setzer Student Center) Appointed
TBD (Chief of Staff) Appointed
Helene Thill (Athletics Representative) Appointed
Brandie Van Zanden (Student Involvement Representative) Appointed
Rebecca Weinbaum (Education Assessment Representative) Appointed
Brett Welch (Asst Vice Provost, Digital Learning) Appointed
Vivek Natarajan (Faculty Senate) FALL 2021-SUM 2024