
Theses and Dissertations

If You Are Writing a Thesis or Dissertation...

Congratulations on Your Decision!

We are here to support you as you prepare your document for its final publication and binding. Before your last semester in the thesis or dissertation course, visit each of the following links to ensure that you accomplish all necessary tasks on time.

Thesis-Dissertation Checklist

Have You...

  • Paid invoice for LU Library microfiche copy of thesis or dissertation?
  • Met all degree requirements, including all department required paperwork?
  • Defended successfully?
  • Received personal copies link with PDF upload letter?
  • Completed doctoral survey ? (D.E. and Ph.D. only, No Ed.D.)

Info about Theses and Dissertations

Graduate School Resource Center

All graduate students now have access to a Graduate School Resource Center under the Organizations tab in Blackboard. This site offers tips and resources around items of interest to graduate students whether they are writing theses and dissertations or simply writing to fulfill classroom projects. Items included are related to:

  • Undertaking research
  • Managing time
  • Writing literature reviews
  • Citing sources
  • Using research databases
  • Other significant topics

We will be updating the site each semester, so be sure to fill out the short survey under the Introduction to let us know what was useful and what additions you recommend.

Celebrate Research