


Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) is an opportunity for students to participate in research and creative activities during the 10 weeks of summer.  

SURF encourages future development of a project beyond the end of summer.


Additional Information

  • Eligibility

    Must be enrolled full-time (12 semester credit hours, SCHs, or more) as an Undergraduate or Texas Academy student at 香港六合彩开奖直播 in the Fall and Spring semesters.

    A minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.0

    Must have at least one faculty mentor in the discipline of the research topic.

    OUR may provide logistic support for the application process.


  • Proposal Limits

    Each student may only receive ONE undergraduate research grant in a fiscal year.

    Each faculty mentor can support up to two undergraduate student awardees.

    All questions regarding proposal limits should be submitted in writing to

  • Stipend

    Surf: $3,000

      $2,000 - Student Stipend - All paperwork must be completed prior to payment.
      $1,000 - Research Support - Up to $1,000 will be awarded for research support, which may include
    supplies, disposable, small equipment, software, analytical services, books, research-related travel or service, etc. 香港六合彩开奖直播 will retain the ownership of any equipment purchased with these funds.
  • Travel Support

    After the completion of their work, SURF recipients are encouraged to travel to present their research in conferences outside of 香港六合彩开奖直播. Travel to present at a conference will require a Request to Travel Form to the OUR office.

    For more information regarding OUR supported travel call 409-880-8430 or email




  • Proposal Format

    Preparation for SURF proposals can be challenging. OUR provides support through the entire application process. Reviewing the guidelines for SURF proposal submission will get you started.

    Submit all items electronically as a single PDF to Competition Space by March 1.

  • Final Report

    A final report is due on the day before the SURF Symposium (August) and should be approved by the faculty mentor. The final report should be sent by email to and cc the mentor and their approval is required by email as well. Based on this report will determine if the student receives the second half of the student stipend payment.

    The final report should include the following elements:

    • A narrative no more than 2 pages that summarizes the work accomplished with OUR support, including graphical results, tables, and a brief paragraph indicating the possible continuation of the project.
    • A three-slide PowerPoint presentation designed to be understood by a general non-specialized audience.
    • One-page budget justification with a summary of expenses.
    • Video presentation no longer than 10 minutes focused on your research experience and results.


Schedule 2023

  • February - March
    February 8 Panel Discussions about writing a SURF grant proposal -Landes Auditorium 12p-2p
    February 20 Submission deadline (midnight)
    February 23 Mentors upload submission to Competition Space
    March 14 SURF winners notified
    March 20 SURF grant winners ceremony - Gray Library 8th flr - 4p-6p
    March 22 Workshop on literature review/library resources - Landes Rm 101 11:30a-1p
    March 28 and 30 SURF orientation 12:30p-3p (28th-Galloway 125 and 30th-Landes 101)
    March 29 Workshop on writing a narrative/research paper Galloway Rm 12:30p-2p


  • April - May
    April 1- May 1 Spending window for purchasing materials and supplies
    April 21 Workshop on using library resources - Landes Auditorium
    May 3 First SURF stipend
    May 31 SURF Kick-off Day - Landes Auditorium
  • After May Commencement

    Moving to Cardinal Village

  • July - August
    July 12 and 13 Mid-term report due (in person or Zoom)
    July 15 Workshop on writing comprehensive narrative - Archer Bldg
    August 5 SURF Symposium
    August 15 SURF post grant report due (video, narrative and 3 PowerPoint slides)